Rock Mechanics and Tunneling Design

Through rock mechanics and tunneling design, we help our customers use their property more efficiently; for example, by locating operations underground. In addition to civil defense shelters, a variety of other activities can be located underground, such as public transportation, parking, and sports. In Helsinki, there are several underground pedestrian tunnels that connect the different functions of the city.

Good design ensures that underground facilities can be constructed safely and economically while maintaining above-ground functions. As its name implies, Rockplan is a design agency specializing in rock engineering design and we have been involved in many of Finland’s largest underground projects.

Rock mechanics models rock structure alternatives and analyzes rock behavior using three-dimensional models. Based on these models, detailed excavation, reinforcement and sealing plans are developed so that the work can be carried out efficiently and safely.

We provide all rock engineering design services for all phases of the project, from rock mechanical analyses and simulations to geological surveys as well as excavation, reinforcement and grouting design.

Tampere Central Wastewater Treatment Plant

Tampere Region Central Wastewater Treatment Plant Ltd. / City of Tampere

The construction of a wastewater treatment plant to be built inside the rock and using the latest treatment technologies began in Sulkavuori in 2018.

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Spent Nuclear Fuel Disposal Facility

Posiva Oy

The world's first spent nuclear fuel disposal facility will be built in Olkiluoto, Eurajoki.

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Vuosaari Transportation Tunnels

Tiehallinto/ Vuoli-projekti

Rockplan designed Vuosaari Harbor’s Porvarinlahti road tunnels and Labbacka railway tunnel in cooperation with Finnmap Infra Oy. The 1,600-meter-long submarine road tunnel in Vuosaari is approximately 25 meters below sea level at its deepest point.

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Kysy lisää  Miika Kalliokarilta soittamalla numeroon +358 40 557 5113  tai laittamalla sähköpostia osoitteeseen